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You’d give anything to have the Ogilvys, Eugene Schwartzs, or Taylor Swifts as your copywriting coach

Now you can. Sort of...

That’s where the Tried It Membership comes in

Become a better copywriter
in 13 minutes (or less) a week 

You’ve done all the courses. You’ve signed up for so many masterminds you’ve lost track at this point. And even though you promised yourself that the last one was THE ONE to solve all your freelancing woes, you remain stuck. Sounds familiar?
No judgment. We’ve been there, fellow freelancer. It sucks. But it doesn’t have to be your story anymore. See, this isn’t that. The Tried It Membership isn’t another snazzy copywriting course to clog up your already packed inbox or well-meaning mastermind with tips you’ll never use and Slack groups you get lost in. This is the real deal.
Your Tried It Membership includes a weekly email (it’s pure gold) with a copywriting exercise, a strategy to grow your copywriting business, and other actionable money-makers you can implement in your business in 13 minutes or less. 
This is the stuff that takes you from over-thinker and chronic procrastinator to confident copywriter whose love language is persuasion and second name is AIDA. It’s actionable and bite-sized, so you should actually see yourself becoming a better copywriter from week to week.
And the best part is that all the exercises and copywriting prompts are inspired by the books of the world’s greatest copywriters and business minds. So when you sit down to write that landing page, website copy, or quote a potential client, you'll know exactly what to do. It’s the closest you’ll get to having an A-list copywriter as your copy coach.

Think of it as  your weekly shot of vitamin C for your copywriting business

From feast and famine to potent copywriting powerhouse


Quick wins


Stop over-thinking. Start doing weekly


Hone your craft.
Charge your worth​
Mauve and Beige Bold Photocentric Cosmet

No fluff or overwhelm. Become a better copywriter in 13 minutes (or less) a week

You can’t think your way to a thriving business. You have to do. That's where we come in.

Weekly exercises based on the work of A-listers set you apart from the competition.


Copy reviews

We’re that other pair of eyes when you’re stuck or need a second opinion.


Bonus episodes

Access to bonus episodes, including interviews.



Have a stay. Be heard. You get to vote on which books we read next.

Imagine where you & your copywriting business will be six months from now

> We see you sitting poolside, sipping an Old Fashioned and scrolling lazily on your phone, enjoying your guilt-free day off. You’ve earned it.
> Or maybe that’s you in your new office doing a final sound check before logging into that zoom call where you’ll present your copy to your new client.  You ooze confidence. You’ve got this.
> But that’s also you working on the skeleton of a new sales page. You smile as you review all your voice of customer data. All this without a bit of self-doubt.
> And there you are again, implementing that new prospecting strategy you’ve been thinking about for a while now. There’s nothing spammy or desperate about it. You know your worth.
> That’s also you - you’re a happy freelancer working with dream clients who value your work and are ready to pay you big bucks for it.

This could be you in six months. But it all comes down to what you do today. Overthinking and procrastinating won’t get you anywhere. And let’s face it - that stuck version of you is so 2023. You’re ready for more. You want to grow your business and have your sights set on some big-girl income goals. You’re ready to start running a business you can be proud of.


So, what will your business look like six months from now?


​Things you probably want to ask

Ahh damn! Did we beat you to it? We aren’t mind readers. We promise. But we know how it goes. 

  • I don’t get it. What does this membership include?
    A weekly email. But - it’s so much more than an email. We’re talking about a no-nonsense get-it-done-in-13-minutes (or less) )-a-week email with all the exercises, prompts, and inspiration to grow your copywriting business. And it’s all inspired by the books of some of the world’s greatest copywriters.
  • Will you provide additional support or hand-holding?
    Yes. Whether you have a burning question, want to discuss one of the exercises, or just want some honest feedback on your copy, we are here for you. Think of us as your copywriting fairy godmothers. Oh, and you’ll have email access to both of us.
  • What if I don’t see results in 13 minutes a week?
    For legal and sanity reasons we can't promise you'll become a better copywriter in 13 minutes a week. Because well .. that's out of your hands. But to take some inspiration from James Clear's Atomic Habits the best way to master anything is to take small, consistent action. It's all about the power of tiny gains.
  • How much does this membership actually cost?
    We offer a monthly and yearly payment option. The monthly membership is $49 per month, and our yearly package is $499. You can cancel at any time, but both packages are non-refundable.
  • What’s the deal with the launch party special offer?
    We’re celebrating the launch of the Tried It Podcast in style. And that means it’s bonus time for you. Join us for the launch party on September 26 at 12 PM EST on LinkedIn Live and get the membership for a steal: just $25 per month for life. You can cancel at any time, but this is non-refundable.
  • Who are you funny people anyway?
    Oh hello there. We’re Sarah and Nicole, tea-loving copywriters from different niches and different corners of the world on a self-improvement journey. We’re on a mission to become better copywriters and saner business owners by reading and implementing takeaways from the greatest copywriting and business books. Join us on the Tried It podcast.
  • I have a book I’d love you to cover on the podcast. How can I make that happen?
    Oooh! That’s exciting. Tell us more:
  • I love your podcast. I want to sponsor it.
    It’s mutual. We love you. Reach out and let’s chat:
  • Monthly Membership

    Every month
  • Yearly Membership

    Every year
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